Thursday, December 3, 2015

Message From Mr. Randy Fong to All Academy Alumnae

Aloha Sacred Hearts Academy Graduates!
It's me, Mr. Fong! I hope you are enjoying your fall semester in college. We are getting ready for our annual Alumnae Forum, which will be held on Wednesday, January 6, 2016. This is a great opportunity for recent graduates like yourself to come back to the Academy and share your college experiences with our current students.

The Forum will be open to students in grades 7 - 12, and the format will be the same as last year. However, the time frame will change. The tentative schedule is for the Alumnae Forum to start after homeroom at 7:50 a.m., followed by a breakfast meal and fellowship for all of you, and a mini college fair at recess (40 minutes).

More information will follow, but if you are able to attend, please email me at ASAP with the following information or update your information here:

SHA Graduation Year
College Attending
Mailing Address
Cell Phone Number -- Very Important!!

If you are able to, please bring brochures, viewbooks, etc., from your college--you can check with the Admissions Office at your college; they will be more than happy to give you materials to distribute to our students.

Good luck on your exams!
Mr. Fong
Follow @SacredHeartsAcademy on Instagram.

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