Friday, March 1, 2019

Exploring Aspects of Green Life

The Junior Kindergarten (JK) students in Sandy Arnobit’s class were thoroughly engrossed and intrigued during their recent explorations focusing on the “fantastic” world of plant life. 

This in-depth study entailed participating in a variety of hands-on activities, including carefully planting their own “crop” of beans.The students diligently cared for their new plants and were extremely excited to observe the growth and changes as the new “life” took roots.

After these in-depth examinations, the kindergartners recorded their observations in their journals. Their notations often included the height of the stalk or the amount of leaves that were visible, and many even further documented the changes with color-accurate illustrations of developments.

Their lesson into the world of plant life continues as they “hone” their “green thumbs!”

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1 comment:

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