During the ceremony, the students got to “hangout” via
Google with author Tom Angleberger, who penned the 2014 Nene Award-winning
book, “The Strange Case of the Origami Yoda.”
And, in honor of Angleberger’s focus on Yoda, an iconic
character from the Star Wars universe, a cast of Stormtroopers, a Sand Person
and even Darth Vader surprised student emcees Emma Kauhane and Prudence Eddy
on-stage to assist with the awards presentation!

This year, the Academy’s winners included sixth grader
Carolei Edra – who filled in as Yoda – in the Persuasive Digital Media
category, Award; sixth grader Kelly Thieu for her Interpretive Essay; and sixth
grader Emma Kauhane in the Interpretive Digital Media category.
Earning Honorable Mention honors for their Persuasive Poster
designs were sixth graders Ayla Hakikawa, Annika Lindberg and Rachel Huang.
Darth Vader had the honor of announcing the 2015 Nene Award
winning book – “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio.

The Nene Awards are sponsored and supported by the Hawai’i
Association of School Librarians, the Hawai’i Library Association, the State
Department of Education, the Hawai’i State Public Library System, Perma-Bound
Books, Scholastic Book Fairs ad Follett Library Resources.
Visit www.nene.k12.hi.us
for more information about the Nene Award and its related programs.
Follow @SacredHeartsAcademy on Instagram.
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