Thursday, January 8, 2015

27 Graduates Return to Campus for Alumnae Forum

Sacred Hearts Academy Alumnae Forum
On Tuesday, January 6, Sacred Hearts Academy hosted 27 graduates for the annual Alumnae Forum. This was an excellent opportunity our recent  graduates to share their experiences and knowledge about college life. Over 20 different colleges were represented such as John Hopkins University, University of Southern California, Creighton University, Princeton University, New York University and the University of Hawaii, Manoa. Part of the day included having a mini college fair where alumnae manned tables in the Student Center and answered questions about their respective campuses. The highlight of the day was panel discussions with each division which had a question/answer format. Topics such as being away from family, class workload, high school vs college courses, dormitory issues, changing of majors, scholarships, and balancing study time with involvement in extracurricular activities.

Randall Fong
The college counselor helps students and their parents navigate the college admissions process and find the school which is the proper “fit” for the family. Learn more about what Sacred Hearts Academy's College Counseling Department offers our students:

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